Top 10k strings from Crown of Ramhotep, The - Intro (1987)(Tartan Software)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   4 ;" Press any key to continue. "
   1 and a letter from an old friend,a well-known archaeologist."
   1 a curious 
   1 Some time ago, you received by carrier, a package containingan ancient 
   1 ;"and press any key"
   1 ;"Yours sincerely,"
   1 ;"The program has the facility to SAVE your current position into the computer's memory as well asto tape."
   1 ;"The picture (if there is one) isdrawn when entering a location, unless the pictures have been   turned off."
   1 ;"The letter read as follows:-"
   1 ;"The letter continues
   1 ;"Press any key to turn the page."
   1 ;"Press any key and restart tape."
   1 ;"Give your commands as VERB/NOUN and your movements as single    letters e.g. N, S, E & W etc."
   1 ;"GOOD LUCK!"
   1 ;"Do you want to read
   1 ;"Dear John,
   1 ;"1. Remember you're broke! You
   1 ;" Written using the QUILL ";
   1 ;" The INSTRUCTIONS have loaded ";
   1 ;" Press ""H"" for ""HELP"" otherwise   any other key and restart tape"
   1 ;" Pre-production copy for ";
   1 ;" NOW LOADING "
   1 ;"   suite of utilities.   "
   1 ;"   Be prepared to stop tape   "
   1 ;"   ""HELP"" is not given in the   adventure, but some useful hintsare given now if you want them. "
   1 ;"    Your adventure starts in    your hotel bedroom, and many    hazards await you before your   quest is over."
   1 ;"    You set off for Egypt by    land and sea, and after a very  eventful journey, you arrive at the village by the Nile."
   1 ;"    You have with you your car, but all your money has been
   1 ;"    You decide to spend the
   1 ;"    Please come and help me to  get this fabulous treasure."
   1 ;"    I was fortunate to escape,  but I had to leave the Crown    inside the pyramid."
   1 ;"    I suggest that you come to  the village on the Nile, where  we met last year and then
   1 ;"    I intend to set out on
   1 ;"    All being well, you will    meet me there, and we can then  share the glory of this
   1 '"You may quit the game at any    time by entering ""QUIT"""
   1 '"The pictures may be turned off  by entering  ""2"" and turned on  again by entering ""1"""
   1 '"The commands for using the lamp are:-
   1 '"Some of the verbs understood areGET, DROP, GIVE, BUY, SELL, EAT,DRINK, INSERT, PULL, PAY, WEAR, REMOVE, THREAD, OPEN & FILL."
   1 '"Other words used you will find  out for yourself as the
   1 '"If the text scrolls off the
   1 '"A similar facitily exists when  LOADING a saved position."
   1 "Type in ""SAVE"" and follow the   instructions."
   1 "STOP TAPE"
   1 "9. Matches don't last forever
   1 "8. Lamps don't burn forever."
   1 "7. Some things are useless,
   1 "6. You will need help in the
   1 "5. You will need guidance before   you can find the pyramid."
   1 "4. Better not walk too far in
   1 "3. You will need food and water."
   1 "2. Show people things. They may    be interested."
   1 "10.The Egyptians laid many traps   in their pyramids!"
   1  will need some money."
   1  the desert!"
   1  the Instructions?"
   1  spent on the way!"
   1  screen, entering ""L""(LOOK) will reprint the text."
   1  pyramid as soon as possible."
   1  pyramid - but be careful!"
   1  others are lethal!"
   1  night in the local hotel and    plan your next move in the
   1  morning."
   1  journey South to the 
   1  discovery together."
   1  another expedition to the
   1  adventure proceeds."
   1   As you may have heard,I have been excavating in Egypt and I have made a remarkable    discovery. I have found the